Fox News did not air a second of the speeches from alienated GOP leaders and former Trump officials who endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris at this week’s Democratic National Convention.

    22 days ago

    Maybe i'm in the minority here, but inviting republicans from the bush years to speak at the DNC isn't actually that reassuring to me if I care about stopping genocide, or think that the US foreign policy as a whole is bad and wrong.

    Hell I'd go so far as to say if you invite a ghoul like Mike Pence to speak at your convention, you obviously don't give a shit about LBG issues at all, and are only using them as a shied so that no one can criticize your absolute inaction over the past 50 years on all social issues.

    • Dr.
      22 days ago

      The point being made with their appearance is that Trump is so toxic and repulsive that defectors are actively coming out of the woodwork to endorse Harris. It's meant to appeal to independents and Republicans who see modern Trump and are increasingly off-put by him.

      Now, they are all aggressively repulsive pieces of shit, sure. But I think we all agree that Trump is an even more aggressive piece of shit in comparison.

        21 days ago

        Appealing to right wing voters by adopting their policies never works.

        These ex-Republicans are not reaching other Republicans at the DNC. They are speaking to Democrats and selling them on their policies.

        21 days ago

        But I think we all agree that Trump is an even more aggressive piece of shit in comparison.

        How the hell is trump worse than bush era republicans or Mike fucking pence?

          21 days ago

          Bush era republicans and mike pence still believe in voting.

          Trump wants to be a dictator.

            21 days ago

            In a country where the government m is just 3 corporations in a trench coat, this is a meaningless distinction. None of these people give the slightest fuck about what the public thinks on any given issue and will work with the Democrats to undermine any public movement that tries to assert its will (see gaza protests which are just the latest example of this).