
    1 month ago

    While I agree that there are not enough good local RSS readers, I also think that some kind of state syncing should exist. I understand why all these hosted server side RSS readers exist, but what I really want is some kind of standard way of doing local first RSS (and not just RSS, this could apply to everything we use «as a service», but let's keep this about RSS for now).

    Imagine an RSS reader that keeps its state in a standard, well documented way, like having a folder where plaintext files keep a list of subscriptions, list of articles that are marked as read, tagged and starred articles etc., and you could just use syncthing or git to keep this folder in sync on all your devices, and you could use any RSS reader you want (be it on an android, windows, linux or anything else that follows the standard) and be able to seamlessly read your feeds and have the same state everywhere.

    A man can dream I guess…