I'm having trouble understanding all the benefits of BTRFS and how they'll apply to me.

Copy on Write and auto-compression seem like they will free up a bit of space.

What other practical benefits will I see from using BTRFS? Are there any noticeable performance benefits?

I use my computer to dual-boot. I don't need snapshots because I have a custom script for a fresh install. I use my PC for gaming and work. I've got an NVMe, two SSD's and one HDD.

Thanks in advance!

  • I love btrfs. Mostly, because I had a couple of instances of data loss with ext4, and because it's far more user friendly than xfs. Btrfs has sane defaults, and when you do want to use the tooling, there's a lot of good documentation, and it's mostly straightforward.

    That said, unless you have some reason to be mucking around with the fs or want to play with snapshots or such, then I'd say just use your OS defaults.