Situation: we live in europe, there's PRISM and Privacy Shield and all that, to which selfhosting is the solution. Now, my sister, mostly on Apple, got concerned with all the hacks and privacy violations over the years. She's a tech noob, so i can't really recommend her

There's a bunch of hosted solutions geared towards small to medium business, like Univention Corporate Server, NethServer, etc.

Are there similiar bundles for private use, basically Apple cloud alternative? With services like cloud storage, cloud office, media share, maybe chat, videocall?

Or should i let her wait until i got my box up, VPN her over? I'm only semi-professional tho.

    14 days ago

    Host solution for what?

    Each service you want will probably have a different set of options.

    When you say Apple cloud, that could mean all sorts of things.

    Specificity in tech is crucial.

    You may want to start with one type of service, and go from there. You're about to head down a deep rabbit hole that includes things like Security Posture, Risk Management, etc.

    15 days ago

    Someone else wrote about how you’ll have a problem creating feature parity and integration like apple services. They’re right.

    A better idea is the thing everyone always says: make a threat model.

    The easiest thing to do for an Apple user is to simply make an iCloud recovery key, turn on advanced data protection and remove any account recovery method other than the key.

    I would also gently counsel against trusting prismbreaks recommendations without research as they still point people at federated services where any bad or coerced administrative actor federated with the target users platform has access to a huge swath of data that most users would put in the category of “private”.

    14 days ago

    You should setup a yunohost server for her.

    But you should be upfront about being a teacher for her not being a helper.

    For the others in the topic, yes teaching people to be autonomous with the digital is a lot of work (and a lot of phone calls), but it's also really rewarding for both you and "the student".

    13 days ago

    I've been using infomaniak for a while which suits my needs pretty well. It's mostly intended for businesses but it's very usable as an individual. Lots of storage for a decent price too and has all the functions you mentioned. Hosted in Switzerland.

    14 days ago

    Why would you expect that your self-hosted solution is less-likely to be hacked than a hosted solution with literally teams of people paid to secure and update them?