For the past year, I've been immersed in the topic of Privacy. I switched to Linux, flashed my phone to LineageOS, changed all my software to one that respects privacy, switched my family and most* friends to Signal, started hating megacorporations and pretty much every government in the world, asked a lot of questions on tiddeR and here. Everything makes sense to me now. I'm a privacy guru🥹. How to move on? What's the next step? 😁

P.S. if you're just at the beginning of your journey, I don't think you'll find a better resource than PrivacyGuides. Highly recommend it!

    1 year ago

    If they would stop tracking at least in this case, it would be already much better. Instead of a toilet there would be a request not to track. But unfortunately in our dystopia this is not foreseen at all, so we continue the resistance 🙂

      1 year ago

      Really, I would want a web 10.0 that enforces anonymity, privacy and good UX by design by restricting what features "web" developers can use to a minimum nescessary set. And ideally it would all be P2P or at least some form of decentralized. Like if Tor, I2P, Zeronet and the Fediverse had a baby.

      You could do 99% of all the things you might want to do on it as a user on a daily basis. You could have a search engine, a wikipedia, a facebook, a reddit, a youtube, etc and whatever else people use the internet for 99% of the time, but the features of this Web 10.0 are restricted to only the minimum ones to enable those sites. And the only way to be tracked is if you intentionally or unintentionally reveal your own identity.

      Then you might also have hardware that exclusively only connects to this Web 10.0, ideally on a hardware level.

      That would be the dream.

        1 year ago

        The internet will be severely limited, don't worry. Google recently confirmed it. BUT! It will have nothing to do with privacy/anonymity/ethics. Only advertising, only surveillance, only monopolies of large corporations. Joy, happiness and fun. woohoo 🎉