Liberals ushering in fascism. Again.

"Martin Forde KC, the senior lawyer commissioned by Starmer to investigate the Labour party’s culture, said legal professionals from across the political spectrum had expressed their bewilderment that the Labour leader had not said anything after such personal attacks, even after former Conservative law officers criticised the political rhetoric aimed at “lefty lawyers” on Friday.

"Jacqueline McKenzie has received a torrent of abuse since CCHQ circulated a dossier last week. She told the Guardian people had threatened to drown her “like an asylum seeker” and leave corpses at her property.

"The dossier prompted Nick Vineall KC, the chair of the Bar Council, and Lubna Shuja, the president of the Law Society, to make a rare joint statement condemning the Tories’ behaviour in sending out the document titled “Revealed: senior Labour adviser is lefty lawyer blocking Rwanda deportations”."

    11 months ago

    Could you expand on that?

    I mean… I get the frustration with Keir Starmer and how hard it is when you can’t find a party or person who properly represents those with left or more socialist view… but worse than the Tories? Really? I mean I just can’t see how that’s possible.

    The only people who win when we don’t vote is the Tories… and we can all see what damage that has done.

    • Flyberius [comrade/them]
      11 months ago

      I think we are well past the point that any socialist policies will ever pass. Our democracy has been completely captured by corporations and elite interests. I'd rather the population hates the government than to mistakenly think we can get any kind of meaningful concessions from a Starmer-led labour government. Frankly I think the whole thing needs to be torn down to the foundations.

        11 months ago

        Voting is how things pass

        You can combine that with other action if you are motivated - protesting, writing to your representatives, campaigning for whoever is closest to your views and so on…

        yes the game is rigged.. the media is (mostly) bought and paid for, the impact of social media manipulation is awful…. But ultimately - not voting does nothing to help, worse than that.. not voting actively helps those people stay in power who stack the deck.

        Voter apathy.. “they are all as bad as each other” is a ploy to stop us holding those in power to account.

          11 months ago

          Look at the instance he's here from. No point in arguing with them, they're far gone off the deep end.

          • Flyberius [comrade/them]
            11 months ago

            Kier will more than likely win the next election. We should reconvene in 5 years and decide how well the voting has gone for the average person. I'm confident that things will not have improved.

            11 months ago

            And I believe comrade, that this country will not vote in a communist government. They'd sooner elect a right-wing fascist. Unless you're within the inner circle of those who manage to overthrow the government in an armed revolution, as a free thinking intellectual you'd likely be shot against a wall.