Commodification of everything you think off Past/Present/Future.

  • /home/
    1 year ago

    Wow, who did Elon have to fuck to get FDA approval for a brain chip that's killed numerous test subjects.

    Edit: Just a friendly reminder that ublock, sponsorblock, newpipe x sponsorblock, libretube, youtube piped exist

    1 year ago

    Fox Viewers: 'Don't get vaccinated because there are brain controlling microchips hidden in the jab.' Also Fox Viewers: 'I can't wait to get one of Elon's brain chips to own the libs!'

    1 year ago

    I want to thank Facebook for making it blatantly obvious to us that we should never get any brain implants. They'll definitely use them to read your thoughts and push ads straight into your consciousness. Oh, and you'll probably have to pay a subscription.

    1 year ago

    Musk is doing more to make people realize how garbage capitalism is than Marx ever could.

    1 year ago

    As someone who suffers daily from a traumatic brain injury 5 years ago that's caused me to become physically disabled and cognitively declined, I'm super excited about this.

    1 year ago

    Neuralink is an excellent advancement for brain science and it is greatly going to help disabled people and those with little function left over their bodies. It's okay to celebrate this technology while also hating musk.

    Like SpaceX, they've both been excellent ventures that he so far hasn't ruined (probably thanks to the people he delegates to). Just because it's fashionable to hate him for how he's absolutely fucked over Twitter (which i'll remind everyone we've always hated and agreed is bad, use Mastodon instead) doesn't mean his other companies largely spearheaded by others, and their results, are also bad.

    That's not even to mention that the kind of dystopian technology people are imagining isn't anywhere close to what the Neuralink device is actually capable of. What everyones fearmongering over is still just science fiction. It's just barely able to interpret brain signals, it's not as powerful as everyone makes it out to be.

    2nd edit: forgot what instance I'm on, this comment probably ain't going to do well lol