All academic since it would never actually happen, but it seems like 3rd parties enjoy more success under parliamentary systems, and super unpopular governments can be tossed out more easily. Would things be any better?

  • Dolores [love/loves]
    13 days ago

    that depends how far you're taking it, simply making the head of government appointed by congress wouldn't do anything. fix apportionment & the electoral process and you'd start shifting things, more or less just to a more efficient democrat dictatorship in the short term, basically any act to make the electoral process more equal benefits them.

    some third parties could sneak in if all the election bribes were dispensed with as well

    • Hexboare [they/them]
      13 days ago

      simply making the head of government appointed by congress wouldn't do anything

      It would mean they'd need to come up with a couple new excuses as to why they're powerless

      • RION [she/her]
        13 days ago

        Realizing too late after switching to a parliamentary system that the House Parlimentarian got a massive spiritual power boost from it
