In a nutshell, mine would be:

  • "My favorite color is red. Imma look up economic systems. Wait, what is socialism? Hey! The socialists like red! Oooooooh, their books are also red! I'm sure that these will be good reads-"
  • A few hours later
  • "Huh, I'm an ML now. I regret nothing."

Though, I'm just asking what was the dumbest reason you get radicalized left-wards.

  • Muad'
    2 years ago

    I've seen a bunch of posts on /r/anarchism where they were like:

    "I became a tankie to piss off my siblings / parents. Was one for 2 years. Once I learned about how authoritarian the USSR was I became an anarchist"

    Its all just ideology shopping to be contrarian, while doing none of the reading or actually learning what its about.