I want to switch to a more privacy focused browser, would like to hear what yall use currently and why.

Edit: I’m currently using edge.

Edit: Thanks everyone for your input. I have decided to go with floorp (a firefox fork) with betterfox. Here's my decision process,

  1. Firefox based browser
    • To help with browser monopoly
    • I really like the sidebery extension
  2. I chose floorp instead of ff or other ff forks because of the ease of customization
    • I also tried zen browser but experienced a bug just from my short usage so I think it's not mature enough for me currently, but I do like the project.
  3. Betterfox + extensions for better privacy settings
    • Ublock Origin
    • ClearURLs
    • Decentraleyes

Did not choose to go with LibreWolf, Mullvad etc because I'm worried about site breakages.

  • toastal@lemmy.ml
    10 days ago

    LibreWolf on desktop—fennec on mobile (tho I should consider Mull, my history is already in Fennec). Back desktop is Brave—with backup mobile being Mulch + Fx Android Beta (to handle DRM). In the terminal, w3m picking up a new possible maintainer means it will stay my favorite.

    I want to follow Ladybird, but man is that hype way overblown relative to where the project actually is & you should not trust leadership that locks communications to US-based, proprietary services (Discord + Microsoft GitHub).