According to Billet themselves, they heard nothing about compensation or payback until about 3 hours after the original GN video went live.. Which Billet hadnt even replied to before Linus made his post saying they've already made the deal on compensation.

    1 year ago

    If now was a time to bring in a full time CEO and relegate Linus into "creative director", or whatever title he wants to give himself, now is that time.

    GN has simply pulled back the curtain to show another corporation who put their bottom line before their viewers. And his response only shows this even further.

    Truly disappointed by the whole debacle.

    • Pseudoplatanus22 [he/him]
      1 year ago

      He already did step down as CEO. Which is funny, because there's a clip of him from the GN video complaining about the lack of time to make content... my friend, you were the one who created this working environment.