Also this is basically Russian Patsoc // Nazbol-Lite // Strasser-Lite and by popular vote this should be on SReactionariesS instead of SUltrasS

      8 days ago

      That’s one state, which only legalized same sex marriage in 2022.

      Progress is progress, it proves being against it is not inherent to marxist states but likely more to do with fuedal social values inherited through the super structures such as the church.

      IDpol is the generation of othering that liberalism pioneers (napeleon) and that is yet to be unlearned, simply supporting LGBTI+ comrades is not IDpol, it is a denial of it.

      • ashinadash [she/her]
        8 days ago

        but likely more to do with fuedal social values inherited through the super structures such as the church.

        The goofball you were replying to not acknowledging this and then just saying "uh capitalists better" is such a bruh moment I don't even know what to say. Huge L. The west has pretty much exported socially regressive politics...