Hi friends!

I am in search of a small Morse Code trainer/electronic keyer small enough to fit in my pocket, and has the following features:

  • Speed selectable
  • Works with an iambic key, and is Type B selectable
  • Has a key jack for an external keyer
  • Polarity selection, I key southpaw.
  • Headphone jack


  • Can adjust tone pitch down to 440Hz

Google turns up a few things here and there, I’d just like to see if any of y’all have any immediate recommendations.

Thank you!

E: autocarrot

  • N5DEW@lemmy.radio
    3 months ago

    Have you looked at the Morserino-32? It does all of the things in your main list at least, as well as quite a bit more.

    Another option would be the (tr)uSDX which is a 5 watt transceiver. Has all of the settings you are looking for, and can be set to practice mode without transmitting. Even has a CW decoder built in. This is what I personally am using to practice.

    Hope this helps 73 de N5DEW

    • 667@lemmy.radio
      3 months ago

      Thank you for these recommendations, I will check them out. Either of these seem like they would work!

      • BenDoubleU@lemmy.radio
        3 months ago

        I do enjoy my morserino-32. It was an educational experience to build and it has definitely helped my cw comprehension