American Airlines and Google were able to cut contrails made by jets by more than half during a small trial, a move that could significantly reduce the global-warming footprint of the travel industry, but with a slight increase to fuel use.
That doesn't really explain how contrails themselves increase global warming. Is it that forming the contrail pulls energy out of the gaseous water (and onto control surfaces) via condensation so now the atmosphere can absorb a bit more heat while the GHG (water) remains in the air? How does using more fuel and outputting even more CO2+water+methane counterbalance that?
it's in the article. diverting around weather patterns where an AI said contrails were likely to form.
it's hard to judge how real the result is. it's early days.
That doesn't really explain how contrails themselves increase global warming. Is it that forming the contrail pulls energy out of the gaseous water (and onto control surfaces) via condensation so now the atmosphere can absorb a bit more heat while the GHG (water) remains in the air? How does using more fuel and outputting even more CO2+water+methane counterbalance that?
Some of the other comments have decent explanations.
Very helpful. Thank you!