Couple more optional questions

  • Did the decision bring any change to your life ?
  • Do you feel the decision stopped you from expressing something at some point ?
    4 days ago

    If people know you as someone who doesn't swear, when you do swear they will take note of what you're saying.

    3 days ago

    I feel like im the opposite from a lot of people in this thread. I very rarely get upset. Like, once a year maybe? Sure, some things annoy me, but they're rarely worth getting upset about. I think most people see me as a "funny guy" thats easy to be around.

    Now I swear a lot, like very alot. And its mostly for comedic purpose or putting that tiny bit of emphasis on something, usually opposite from what i actually mean. Saying something like "a fuckton" usually means i had 2 apples instead of 1, where if i actually had way too many apples i would be more descriptive about it and not swear. People tend to take things more seriously that way.

    I think casually swearing can help with not getting upset to begin with while also being more expressive if used correctly. I feel like i can get emphasis on what i say and having some form of relief from just swearing casually, which helps negate the build up of annoyances and eventually actually getting upset.

    I very rarely swear in an insulting manner, i find it way more insulting and effective to use words that are very "unharmful" for that purpose, such as calling someone a clown or gnome. In the right setting those are devasting. I dont think it translates very well to english, but just imitating a 10yo and saying "your mom" is also just insanely funny as an insult because of how inherently stupid it is.

    3 days ago

    I save my profanity for times and things that are truly worth getting upset about. If you use it all the time, then it becomes meaningless. It just becomes background noise and you sound like a 10 year old all the time.

    3 days ago

    I hear what I say and it feels unpleasant.
    Also, I don't like adding senseless* words in my speech.

    * Unless it's funny or sth.

  • Aniki 🌱🌿
    4 days ago

    I enjoy the exercise of trying to think ahead of the words coming out of my mouth so I can speak more concisely and clearly. It's the same reason I do calligraphy.

    3 days ago

    Not swearing makes you more pleasent to be around, but swearing when it makes sense won't harm anyone unless you're insulting them.

    3 days ago

    Not everyone is immune to swearing; I don't see any point in causing unnecessary offence; and they contribute nothing to the meaning, except perhaps voicing a level of emotion which can be better expressed in other ways.

  • Blastboom
    3 days ago

    I ~never did and I think it's a combination of various reasons:

    1. I'm kinda shy (internally I might use a more offensive language, but I might even censor that too). And the fact that I'm not using such language for so long makes it more awkward to use it now.

    2. In my family we probably use less vulgar laguange than the typical one, so I wasnt exposed that much on it (on the contrary, I was exposed to way more uncensored content on the internet and that may be why some vulgar phrases in English seem more natural/normal, while the same ones translated in Greek (my mother language) seem more offensive.

    3. Many times I find it unecessary. I think they're better used when you're angry and help you let some steam out, rather than using them in a calm conversation with friends for example (though when others people use them even on me in a friendly way I kinda seem to like it for some reason? I might think we're close so they feel confident to talk to ke that way?)

    4. Maybe it's just one of my quirks, lol. I might just do it, for not much reason.

    5. I find many (not all!) of the vulgar phrases to discriminate minorities and people in general. I really dont want to use such words. I dont want to cause harm to innocent people just because I got angry.

    I could probably think more if I spent more time thinking, hm

    Did the decision bring any change to your life ?

    As I said, I dont think I ever used such language, so I dont think there's a change to talk about. Just some people might notice it and possibly comment about it (usually in good faith?)

    Do you feel the decision stopped you from expressing something at some point ?

    Kinda yes, sometimes I'm in a bad situation and kinda want to, but I dont want those conditions to "break" me. This might not make much sense tho.🤷