tajuddin ahmed was supposed to serve as the PM after BD became liberated. well, he didn't let that happen lmao
formed the "rokkhi bahini", which was like his own personal army and used it to crush any form of dissent. an example is the murder of shiraj shikdar, who was a prominent leftist revolutionary over here; essentially defangling the east bengals' proletariat party.
tried dissolving every single political parties at the time to form BAKSAL and have it be the only allowed political party.
banned several newspapers to only allow his selected few newspapers
...all this while saying that he wanted to form a democratic country during the liberation war lmao
...all this while saying that he wanted to form a democratic country during the liberation war lmao
there's a reason why under his daughter's rule, you couldn't read newspapers from his rule. but truth always has a way to get out into the world.