This is the kind of posting I'm subjected to by my own family! I have already written a reply, but if y'all have any good points I would love to hear them.

    2 days ago
    1. They are trying to say he is bad and unamerican because communism is bad and unamerican. He is bad, but he is probably the most USian person I can think of. Man is basically a walking US cliche.

    2. They are trying to imply he is a Russian asset and think Russia is still a communist country. It is unbelievable how many people make that mistake. McCarthy would be proud.

    • huf [he/him]
      2 days ago

      re 2, they're making a mistake but a different one.

      they think communism is just another name for "russian authoritarianism", so of course russia is still communist. it's still tzarist too. it's all the same.