some more discussion of CIA infiltration in anarchist publications here

  • Łumało [he/him]
    11 months ago

    I'm betting CIA mouthpiece, there's just so much ML smearing on the front page it's stupid to think they might legit. Also, it's not 1920 and the USSR no longer exists! Your average worker does in fact give no shits about what happened 100 years ago!

    Truly a waste of time for most, if this was a "party line" release then it maybe could make sense. But it's not, and so is stupid.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      11 months ago

      I've always found the fixation on the negative aspects of USSR really weird, and frankly dishonest. USSR was a product of its conditions, and it's absurd to claim that such problems are somehow inherent in communism. If there is ever a successful communist project in the west, it's necessarily going to be rooted in the culture and material conditions present at the time. Incidentally, this is precisely why China says that their system isn't meant to be copied directly by other countries, it's a product of conditions in China.

      • Łumało [he/him]
        11 months ago

        Exactly! However if you try to reason being a communist or advocating communism in Poland most will end the conversation with a thought terminating cliche. Here are few:

        • You want to recreate PRL 1:1 !(Of course by PRL they mean the martial law period 🙄)
        • No oranges, no bananas! (mUh tReAtS)
        • ❄️🍑 (self explanatory)

        They completely ignore reality and think within the propaganda they've been taught or have internalized.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
          11 months ago

          Indeed, and this is why the right is now growing rapidly. People become disillusioned with the liberal mainstream and they've internalized rejecting the ideas from the left which leaves the right. It also helps that right wing ideas aren't all that dissimilar from neoliberal ideas making the transition easier. Hence why places like Poland and Hungary are now run by the far right.

          11 months ago

          no off-season imports from colonized regions? MFW communists failed to bring oranges from south africa when its winter there and summer on soviet union