As an Iraqi, I do ask this question to myself a lot, what the world opinion on modern Iraq. It changed a lot especially after ISIS war, but people here generally don't value the change that much due to high unemployment rates, drought, and bossy militias.

    8 hours ago

    Are you an Iraqi in Iraq? I am an ex-iraqi but have lived in the Nordics majority of my life. People here don't talk much about the country, but the few tourists that go there go to Erbil and only have good things to say about it.

    Would love to hear your own experience too.

      7 hours ago

      Yes, born raised and probably gonna die here. I live in southern region of Iraq, specifically the city of Nasiryah. Generally everything are still lacking behind due to years of war but it's getting better bit by bit with some hiccups because of the Iranian government influence, inflation, corruption.

        7 hours ago

        Good that improvements are happening. I was briedly in basra long time ago. Stay strong!

  • ArgentCorvid [Iowa]
    7 hours ago

    (bart simpson voice) The exports of Libya Iraq are numerous in amount. One thing they export is corn, or as the Indians called it, "maize". Another famous Indian was Crazy Horse. In conclusion, Libya Iraq is a land of contrasts. Thank you.

    joking aside, sorry about America.

      11 hours ago

      It's really funny if you think about it, what America identified as terrorists and imprisoned at Abu Ghraib prison are now politics controlling Iraq's economy each one with his own militia to protect him from the law. We now only looking for the future with people tending to forget what happened 20 years ago in the hope that things get better.

        11 hours ago

        The anti war movement against the illegal war on Iraq was the biggest mobilization in history. Millions of people all over the world tried to stop the war but we're ultimately unsuccessful. Which brings us to a bigger question, why don't we the people have political power. I believe it comes down to greed, and capitalism. How can we stop these wars? The genocide on Palestine? The only weapon we have is to withhold our labour. Organize, unionize and strike.

          11 hours ago

          It's your last line. We have to find a way to take the world back from billionaires, by force if necessary. It's unreal that a small handful of assholes have the power over the billions of us that they do.

      10 hours ago

      There were plenty of us that saw right through the bullshit even before the war started but unfortunately because the SCOTUS decided the election for us we were stuck with a gang of money hungry pieces of shit... I mean we still are, but we were then too...

      I was young and naive so I wanted to join the military in hopes of getting some technical skills, but even as a 17 year old idiot I saw right through bushs bullshit and said fuuuuccckkkkk that. Now I work in a factory... Fuck Bush, fuck Cheney, fuck Rumsfield... War criminals the lot of them.

      To get to OPs question, in America I think we have a collective shame about it so it's pretty much never spoken about at all. The state of Iraq is only ever mentioned within the context of ISIS :(

    12 hours ago

    Cradle of civilization. Brilliant art math and architecture. A total victim of countless imperial aggression due to its resources. Will never forgive what the US did and the fighters in Fallujah were heroes.

    I wish I could go there and meet people

    8 hours ago

    Hmm. Unofficial Kurdish state in the north, typical Middle Eastern country in the south. Lots of Iranian influence. It had a wild ride thanks to warmongering Americans and Saddam, but as far as I can tell it's settled down since the end of ISIS as a territory-holding entity.

    Aside from the politics, it's home to a lot of the oldest cities and ruins in existence. Like the rest of the region it used to be greener, but millennia of agriculture takes a toll.

    12 hours ago

    I personally believe I have zero right to hold any viewpoint or opinion aside from feeling like the western lines drawn for the middle east after WWII were bullshit.

    Let that part of the world run itself and leave them all the fuck alone.