
    3 hours ago

    This is such a clickbait, and it backfired.

    The actual point conveyed in the article is that world hunger is beneficial for the rich as it allows to operate sweatshops and employ people under tyrannical conditions over low pay, which is not far from modern slavery. Which is super bad for everyone else, hence world hunger must be stopped and rich should get the taste of their own medicine.

    But people did react to the headline, and possibly rightfully so.

    56 minutes ago

    Kinda like how Kevin O'Leary thinks more poor people incentivizes more business startups. As if homeless people and poor families are just a few business courses away from millionaire status.

    5 hours ago

    Well, he's not wrong about hunger being an intended part of capitalism so workers are coerced into working for even less pay.

    Calling it a "benefit" is very clickbaity though.