
  • Dessalines@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    Strong moderation abilities, and instance admins like ourselves who actually ban white supremacist communities and not sit on their hands about hosting the largest one on the internet, for years.

    edit: like just today, we had a few TERF communities try to set up here. It took us less than a day to ban them. Its not difficult.

  • MysticDaedra@lemmy.ml
    4 years ago

    I'm genuinely curious, looking to move from Reddit due to heavy-handed mod abuse and the extreme leftist bias of virtually all the big subreddits. Is Lemmy going to be a place where free speech is honored, or will conservatives always get the boot like on Reddit? I'm not talking about hate speech or calls for violence, I'm just as against that as the next person. But I'd like to know I'm not going to get banned because my opinion differed from that of a mod.

    • wraptile@lemmy.ml
      4 years ago

      or will conservatives always get the boot like on Reddit?

      If it stinks of shit everywhere you go then maybe it's time to look under your shoe? 🤔

      While there's value in conservative thought most people who subscribe to it don't know how to exercise it.