Good day all!
First I'd like to thank all the people who replied to my first post and provided so much valuable information! Since then I've been trying to force myself to get comfortable with using the terminal! To this end I've been running Sway as my Desktop Environment and printed out a cheat sheet to place next to my screen.
Now, a paragraph deep, for the question(s):
How do y'all customize your terminals? I'm not looking for tutorials, just your preferences. How long did it take for you to settle on your favourite? What did you prioritize when customizing? What customization are you fondest of?
Thanks in advance to any and all replies, hope to hear from you all soon!
Why micro over nano or vim?
nano is very simple, so it wasn't efficient for projects with lots of files. I used vim for a short time, but then I gave micro a try and I was faster at it, so I stuck with it.