I'm not surprised by Israel's disgusting behavior, instead I'm sickened further and further by Western media's framing of this and how they talk of Iran's response; at this point I think it's 100% fair to say that beyond most Western countries (thank you Ireland and Spain for being normal) every nation on earth (even the ones celebrating this genocide) recognize entirely that this is a genocide.

What do you even call it when the news tells you something anyone and everyone can tell is a blatant lie?

Iran has attacked military targets solely, landing critical attacks, and meanwhile for the last year and even in response to the response, Israel has attacked civilian targets. Does the news think we're all stupid? ARE we all stupid? Are there actually that many people falling for this?

I admit I have to keep reminding myself that much of Western countries willingly pulling the wool over their own eyes is intentional because the victims here are Arabs.

I sincerely hope, I genuinely hope, I hope with all my heart I hope, that Western news gets dragged forevermore EVERY time they give their hateful interviews and talks with foreign leaders and representatives; I've seen some of the awesome African leaders who've been interviewed by American and British media, and I've been blown away by how amazing they are, but the media always tries to dirty their image by making them seem like dictators who crush the media or do this or that, etc. I hope Western media can NEVER again give an interview without being absolutely dragged for their complicity in this genocide, for running defense for this genocide.

And you know what else is crazy? Apparently Israelis are celebrating the attack by Iran because they believe that because no Israeli civilian died that the attack was a failure; these people are actually judging military successes literally by civilian body count; how can any nation on earth ever reason with those psychos?

  • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
    3 hours ago

    Does the news think we're all stupid? ARE we all stupid? Are there actually that many people falling for this?

    I think it's the media's deliberate manipulating of information and humanity's natural bystander effect

    Specifically one study where students had to complete an exam and they pumped smoke under the door to see the results:

    According to the principle of social influence, bystanders monitor the reactions of other people in an emergency situation to see if others think that it is necessary to intervene. If it is determined that others are not reacting to the situation, bystanders will interpret the situation as not an emergency and will not intervene.

    The media portraying the genocide are calmly telling burgerland that everything is fine, something people universally want to believe. It's not that we can't. in fact when students were alone in the smoky room they were much faster to report the smoke. But when they were in groups they did not.

    Referring to the smoke experiment, even though students in the groups had clearly noticed the smoke which had become so thick that it was obscuring their vision, irritating their eyes or causing them to cough, they were still unlikely to report it. Only one participant in the group condition reported the smoke within the first four minutes, and by the end of the experiment, no-one from five of eight groups had reported the smoke at all.

    I think this is kinda close to the dynamic i mean. The "smoke" of the genocide (and expanding war) is literally in yanks faces but for the calming effect of the media they still trust, acting as they always do, as if hundreds of thousands of lives aren't catching in their fucking throats.

    Similarly, interpretations of the context played an important role in people's reactions to a man and woman fighting in the street. When the woman yelled, "Get away from me; I don't know you," bystanders intervened 65 percent of the time, but only 19 percent of the time when the woman yelled, "Get away from me; I don't know why I ever married you.“

    And here i might be really stretching but i say here is where the lie "they've been fighting for thousands of years" works on the masses, who don't know Israel is an invention younger than the sitting president.

    Woof effort posting is hard I'm gonna stop