I have a hundred chokers for my fashion, and I cycle them every single day.
Currently, They are all stored in their original plastic sleeves.
This means my routine is as follows.
- Pick up pile of sleeves
- Select a choker by shuffling through the sleeves like they are cards.
- unpack choker
- place choker on for the day
- remove choker
- put choker back in sleeve
- place sleeve back in pile
I find the task of sleeve management to be frustrating. And would rather have them all organized in such a way so that I may be able to view them, and choose them out as warranted.
What do you say is the best way to store them? (Product, Idea to make, anything)
Edit 1: A limitations I have is that I cannot install anything permanently to the apartment. 😖
You could hammer 100 little tack/nails into a board and hang them vertically. They'd be a lot longer vertically then they are wide, so you could do like 25 across x 4 down. You could maybe even still keep the plastic sleeves on them.
Or find a big donut shaped pillow, with the same diameter as a neck, and put all them on it?
The handy-person answer.
Assuming that my chokers are maybe 30 cm long with the chain, 2 cm spacing per choker, 25 chokers per row, 2 cm gap between choker vertical space.
Dimensions would be 126 cm tall and 50 cm wide.
Manageable, would need to find a place for it.
Plushies are being considered!