About 3 years ago I dreamt that I was in a downtown Chicago office interviewing for a fancy new job. For whatever reason my mom came along for the interview and was patiently waiting for me in the office lobby. About half way through the interview it began to dawn on me that my mom passed away over a decade ago. This realization effectively transformed my dream into a lucid one. I quickly ditched the interview, grabbed my mom, and we spent the rest of the day enjoying downtown Chicago. I took her out for tea, caught her up on my life, and we made the absolute most of the little time we had together.

The memories from this dream are as vivid as the memories from my real life and I treasure them dearly.

  • Driftking@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Just the other day I had a dream about my wife and I hiking in the Pyrenees mountains. It had been her wish to one day visit them again as she grew up in a small town sorrounding them. She often went there with her family in her youth but never managed to do a full adventure hike along the southern ridge. Before she passed away I had made a promise to her that we would make an effort to see them one last time. Her illness progressed more rapidly than we could have anticipated and alas I was not able to keep my promise. That dream made me feel nostalgic for her presence again and in some way I believe it offered some solace for my regrets of dissapointing her.

  • NormalC
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • PeWu@lemmy.ml
    1 year ago

    Had a dream recently that I've defenestrated myself out of 10+ floor. It was calm actually and I've didn't die or was hurt. Just laying on the street till I've woken up.

  • Nakoichi [they/them]
    1 year ago

    Last night I dreamt about being stuck in the Midwest after going out there to do work and organize. I survived floods and blizzards and still in the face of that had resigned to stay and continue the work.