Source (Spanish with English CC) PORTABLE CABIN of shepherds in nature: the CHOZUELO. Artisanal construction (Eugenio Monesma, YouTube):

THE CHOZUELO | One of the activities of the transhumant shepherds of the Sierra de la Demanda (Burgos), when they watched over their herds while they grazed in the mountains of their land or in the great plains of Extremadura where they transhumant, was the construction of the shacks that they would need as housing. In 2006 we collected the construction technique of this type of portable shelter made with vegetable matter: the chozuelo. Documentary film

Transhumance is a type of pastoralism or nomadism, a seasonal movement of livestock between fixed summer and winter pastures. In montane regions (vertical transhumance), it implies movement between higher pastures in summer and lower valleys in winter.

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