So, serde seems to be downloading and running a binary on the system without informing the user and without any user consent. Does anyone have any background information on why this is, and how this is supposed to be a good idea?

dtolnay seems like a smart guy, so I assume there is a reason for this, but it doesn't feel ok at all.

    1 year ago

    It seems it was done to marginally improve serde_derive build times? And just on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu?

    It feels a pretty weird course of action, even if I can understand his point of view his official stance of "My way or the highway" seems a bit stronger than needed, especially considering the amount of problems - both moral and pratical - this modification arises.

    I don't know. If he really feel so strongly about it the only real option would be an hard fork, but a project of that magnitudo and so integrated in the ecosystem is really not easy to both manage or substitute.

    Overall it kind of leave a sour taste, even if - I repeat - I understand it is his time and his decision to make.

      1 year ago

      The same feature is planned for Windows and MacOS.

      The build time improvements are so marginal in a production environment where hundreds of crates are built. This decision demonstrates a strange inversion of priorities and smells of premature optimization to me. It's so odd to see even further optimizations building on this "serde helper process" pattern.

    1 year ago

    I hate that I'm linking to Reddit, but I'm just reminded of this.

    Some of us knew where all the obsession with dependencies' compile times will lead, and triggered the alarm sirens, if half-jerkingly, years ago.

    Compile times, and more specifically, dependencies compile times, is and has always been the most overblown problem in Rust. We would have some sort of sccache public repositories or something similar by now if it was that big of a problem.

    And yes, I'm aware proc-macro crates in particular present unique challenges in that field. But that shouldn't change the general stance towards the supposed "problem". And it should certainly not trigger such an obsession that would lead to such a horrible "solution" like this serde one.

    1 year ago

    The second comment explains a lot. There is a build script that generated the binary, which they are using to reduce the overall build time. They mention this resulting from a limitation on cargo and this being a workaround

    It seems like you could build it all from scratch if needed with a bit of effort