Ukraine's plan is to start WW3 at any cost, US is obviously not falling for it. For all their gusto, the warhawks in the US aren't going to see their cities nuked for fucking Ukraine.

    3 months ago

    Reddit also regularly claims the DPRK doesn't feed anyone but the Kims, as if they inherited Stalin's spoon. The shelves are full of fake food. The people are all in concentration camps the people live in constant fear of imprisoning future generations of their people. Etc. etc. etc.

    So much garbage, so little evidence, just like everything else on Reddit. That's why literal experts get downvoted into oblivion.

      3 months ago

      I'm just spitballing here, but I wonder if some of it is logistics illiteracy, which also plays into keeping people living in the imperial core infantilized in capability to change anything. Cause like, in all the narratives about this country is dictator, that country is dictator, you know what I never hear? How exactly they do it. What the logistics are supposed to be of carrying out these dictatorships and how exactly they function and manage to stay functioning over time, being simultaneously so in control and so terrible to their people. I'm not saying terrible governance isn't possible (hell, I live in the US...), but I never see these people delving into those things with X country that the empire vilifies. Probably because if they did, they'd find out the process is not at all what they thought. I remember when I first learned some things about the voting process of Cuba; was one of the first times I was ever exposed to actual logistical info on the processes they do and it wasn't even in that much depth, but was still way more than I'd ever been exposed to with Cuba before.

        3 months ago

        I never see these people delving into those things with X country that the empire vilifies

        Exactly the problem. What is reported and repeated ad nauseum is accepted uncritically.

      3 months ago

      the last lib headcannon that I'm up to (though it's a few years old by now so probably out of date) is that pyongyang is where all regime connoisseurs live and the rest of the country is where the slaves are forced to. then they toil for the aristocracy that lives in pyongyang. You know, the country where everyone is a slave but also 3 million citizens are for some reason part of the nobility or whatever. You definitely need 3 million nobles to run a country of 26 million.

      3 months ago

      DPRK doesn’t feed anyone but the Kims, as if they inherited Stalin’s spoon

      They did. Kim Il Sung got it in 1991 (source:, and Kim Jong Il would wield its power in 1994 to spoon hundreds of thousands of North Koreans, and that's just how history goes.