Here what you have to know Learning to use a clipboard manager, is like the difference between being able to remember one thing
Versus being able to remember MORE than on thing, like, imagine that, computers being used to remember more than one thing, what will they think of next !?
Ok, actual advice
CTRL+~ is your new favorite keyboard shortcut after you've installed Ditto
Yes, it darkmodes just fine
Your password ? If you're copy pasting password, you're doing it wrong, secret should be stored in a non-copiable place, like a smartcard.
Anyway, wiping the clipboard history is easy, and you can set a maximum lenght or time to remember clips.
This clipboard manager, can copy paste things to other computers on your LAN.
You can edit clips.
You can paste multiple clips in a single operation, it will even paste them in reverse order of copying by default
In the clipboard manager SHIFT+ENTER will paste as plain text
IN clipboard manager, you can shift+select and ctrl+select like you would copy+pasting a set of files easily
You have WAY more option than "paste as plain text" BTW
Of course you can IMMEDIATELY search and filter your clips after pressing CTRL+~
Ditto handles pasted images easily (however few programs support multi-pasting of images)
(Windows can't paste video or sound, only video files and sound files, which is hella lame)
Remember when I said you can paste clips accross the network ? That includes files
It's fully scriptable BTW ! Chatgpt can script you up absolutely anything you need.
It got a compare clip function builtin,
I've been using it for two years, and it still has function I don't even know what they do ! Groups ? Addin ? Import export ? What's that
I didn't even know it could do that !
Even more stuff !!!
Just look how many tabs the option page has ! I didn't even check it out yet !
(oops photo limit reached, you'll have to believe me !)
Congratulation, you are now a clipboard manager evangelist.
(Sadly nothing on linux comes close, I blame big tech and their idea that the clipboard is a good place to hide your passwords in !)
because i dont need it? counterquestion: why do you pretend to ask a question when you actually just want to advertise a program?
edit: also, read rule 1
Everyone I got to make use of this initially said "I don't need a clipboard manager" and it always become "I can't believe I didn't have a clipboard manager" afterwards
Because it's cluttered, I like to have what I need and not a bunch of other stuff