My Predator Helios from 2018 is working just fine with win10, but I really want to move over to linux.

Probably I will start to have problems but I would like to hear comrades opinions.

This Laptop is mostly for gaming.

    11 months ago

    That's the distro i'm using. I've switched away a few times, but I end up back at Garuda. It's been pretty painless in regards to gaming.

    Every time i try to switch to something that doesnt have aur/chaotic, i tend to miss it.

    It's also nice to have something to lean on when you don't have the answers between the os, wiki, and forums you should be able to figure out whats going wrong.

    • Cauê
      11 months ago

      I hear you comrade! So far the experience is very neat. Do we have a /c/garuda somewhere in the fediverse?

    11 months ago

    Be wary of GPU drivers. AMD used to work fine, but nvidia can sometimes get wonky and either make booting slower than it should be or just outright break your X server. But overall games work super smoothly nowadays with Proton, and you can even run non-Steam games with it.

    And if you're not acquainted with it, the Arch Wiki is always useful, but specially for arch-based distros like that one.

    • Cauê
      11 months ago

      Thanks, comrade. The system recognized my Nvidia 1060, hopefully It will run fine.

      What's X server? is it related to X11 thing?

        11 months ago

        It's one of the window system on top of which gnome or other desktops run. But I misspoke there, what usually got messed up was the display manager, specifically lightdm.

        But if everything is running fine I doubt you'll have any future issues. Just remember to check nvidia-smi in case of FPS drops to see if the game is using the GPU.

        • Cauê
          11 months ago

          Thanks for the hint, I will take note.

          Some people mentioned that the system defaults to the onboard GPU instead of the dedicated one, so it is good to learn this command.

    11 months ago

    Games generally ram fine with me under Linux and proton. I did however have some issues with anti cheat preventing me from playing some online games.

    Edit: was running Xubuntu 20.04 at the time.

    • Cauê
      11 months ago

      I heard more people talking about the anti cheat issue. For me won't be much of a problem, as I play mostly single players.

  • Twink
    10 months ago

    deleted by creator

    • Cauê
      11 months ago

      Yeah, I finished installing it yesterday with KDE environment and it looks neat now (their default is too colorful for my taste). The system seems to be solid so far.

      • Twink
        10 months ago

        deleted by creator

        • Cauê
          11 months ago

          KDE is really neat once you realize its full potential

          Cool! I feel like I am only on the tip of the iceberg and it is already great lol.

          Sadly, I cannot send a screen as I’m nearly all out of data!

          No worries, You can send it when you have data. or post to ! and tag me :) I am interested to see it.