As many of us have, our Steam libraries have grown so much over the years that we have a huge backlog of games to play. It is hard to keep track of which game liked/disliked.

I see options like hide this game or putting games into collections, I'm interested in how do you keep track of the good and bad games? Games you would like to eventually come back to?

    11 months ago

    I used to categorize manually, finished games going into beaten-replayable, beaten-100%, beaten-done playing, open-done with, etc.

    Dynamic Libraries are helpful for sorting, but not a replacement for manual categories. A major down side of the dynamic library feature is thst it relies on the game page to be accurate to the games feature set. Often there are games that get a tag or feature thst is just false. This does not a good tool make.

      11 months ago

      I did that. I just make whatever categories make sense to me. All of the Star Wars games are in a category, all Valve games are in one as well. And so on.

  • ඞ
    11 months ago

    I add games I plan to play or might play in the coming year(s) to favorites and then collapse the non-favorites tab.

    11 months ago

    I have 4 main collections. I have favorites, multiplayer games that I play with friends, games that I have yet to finish but do plan on playing, and then games that I've finished. The unsorted stuff are games that I don't plan on playing. Maybe I'll get to the unsorted stuff someday, but not for the near future.

    It's simple enough for me to understand and manage.

    11 months ago

    I put it in respective collections:

    • ToDo
    • Completed
    • Gold & Completed
    • Sim
    • Casual
    • Local Multiplayer ...