Why am I torturing myself by watching these idiots.... Idk ask me questions
Healthcare time. McGrath just did the 'i beat the socialist' but this time it's I beat the M4A candidate
Wow he just straight up said he makes sure kentucky gets preferential treatment because he is the majority leader, I mean duh but I didn't expect him to say it straight up
He's not wrong that him losing would been a big blow to Kentucky power in the Congress.
Closing statements. His big sell is he is super powerful and if she wins kentucky loses that. Well it's true
Dodged the question about packing the court, like Kamala. Makes me wonder if Dems are actually planning on doing that....??.... Or maybe just leaving the door open so it scares the reps into not going through is filling the seat
Quite simply they will leave the possibility open for now and get all the backlash for it, then not actually do it when the time comes and get none of the benefit. The Dem way.