All my life I've been been slim/athletic, but it's had far little to do with any kind of discipline and far more to do with me constantly forgetting to eat/drink regularly, plus sports. I'm tall too so that's always helped a lot.

It's starting to annoy me though because I know eating/drinking regularly is generally healthier than eating/drinking sporadically, and I'd like to figure out a method of fixing this that fits well with how my mind works.

In the past, I've manged to fix a number of lifelong issues I've struggled with by using resources geared towards people with autism and ADHD. I used to be fairly unorganized until I found these resources and now my stuff in general is very organized in a way that I actually enjoy maintaining.

I'd like to find a similar way to fix this issue I have with not eating/drinking regularly-- basically a way to structure things so that I eat/drink regularly in a way that I can really get into a repetitive groove.