Pic related is mine. Such a solid movie. From being a critique of consumerism to racism, to an action movie, to comedy at some points. And while it might not be scary in the traditional sense, the opening scenes detailing the chaos around a news station trying to remain calm during the end of the world are done pretty well and set the mood for surviving the apocalypse.

  • the_post_of_tom_joad [any, any]
    2 months ago

    OG Candyman is tops. I thought i was gonna see people get killed by bees not watch a liberal get shown the horrors of receiving what she thought she wanted. Did she want to be a "white savior"? To be accepted by black people? Did she secretly wish to be black?

    Here comes the candyman to fulfill her wish! But like a monkey's paw its not what she wants, not at all. Might be the best commentary on this I've ever seen