This just seems redundant.

    1 year ago

    Their reasoning? “Being a lib”

    You did had several wall of texts with explanation thrown at you. I would probably agree that banning you was too much, but note we currently are under attack by trolls from known liberal instances so mods are somewhat banhappy, and your stance don't help, you didn't even try to refute or discuss anything but just taken offense and now are here with complains.

    • GuyDudeman@lemmy.mlM
      1 year ago

      I got banned before I was allowed to discuss anything there.

      And the actual ban message was "liberal", I shit you not:


        1 year ago

        You did came back on another account and said:


        This don't look like discussion attempt. Also i did seen your comments in other threads, you think taking potshots at "tankies" in the company of libs doing the same will get you much benefit of a doubt in Lemmygrad?

        • GuyDudeman@lemmy.mlM
          1 year ago

          I actually was trying to figure out how Lemmy works, so I had a lemmygrad account, and a account. I believe I posted the original using my account and then when I was logged in to my lemmygrad account I posted the comment you screenshotted there.

          That comment was in reply to them thinking I was someone else that must have been a problem in the past. And it's also me venting a bit about how tankies typically don't want to discuss anything, they just want to call you names and boot you. I realized after the first few walls of text came in that there was not going to be any discussion to be had in that thread.

          Anyway, I'm so frustrated by the lack of sense of humor that tankies have. As a "lib" it's funny to me that they won't just own the "tankie" epithet and embrace it. The denial and defensiveness is what's frustrating and hilarious to me.

          I'm not "taking potshots" at tankies. Tankies know where they stand with me. They just don't seem to have any sense of humor about anything other than "dunking on libs".

            1 year ago

            First, i'm not accusing you of ban evasion, i too have two accounts for the same reason that i had no clue about federation at first, i just saying you should use it in better way than to throw passive-aggressive comment showing everyone you don't really want to discuss, no wonder you get called lib when behaving exactly like lib. You should write to admins to appeal the ban you think is unjust, but it seems you make a second post about it on lemmy.

            And it’s also me venting a bit about how tankies typically don’t want to discuss anything, they just want to call you names and boot you. I realized after the first few walls of text came in that there was not going to be any discussion to be had in that thread.

            That's blatantly untrue, as seen a lot of time, but ok. Maybe clearly implying we are "genocide supporters" as every other lib in your first post was not a good start of discussion.

            by the lack of sense of humor that tankies have.

            Are you just tripling down with "it was a joke"? There is nothing even remotely resembling humour in that thread from you.

            I’m not “taking potshots” at tankies. Tankies know where they stand with me. They just don’t seem to have any sense of humor about anything other than “dunking on libs”.


            • GuyDudeman@lemmy.mlM
              1 year ago

              throw passive-aggressive comment showing everyone you don’t really want to discuss

              I literally made the post on LemmyGrad precisely BECAUSE I DO want to discuss this stuff. I literally created this community on Lemmy precisely BECAUSE I want to discuss this stuff.

              You should write to admins to appeal the ban

              I've had too much experience with tankies elsewhere to be as naive as to think they would ever reverse a ban on someone they considered a "lib".

              That’s blatantly untrue

              I've never had any luck with any sort of reasoned discussion with tankies. It always just devolves into them calling me a "lib" and telling me to "go read".

              *edit: Or them rage-quitting, like you seem to have done in this thread. Thanks for proving my point, by the way. :)

              Maybe clearly implying we are “genocide supporters”

              See, why do you guys keep trying to deny it? You keep trying to justify mass-murder as "merely classicide" and therefore that makes it "justified" somehow.

              Are you just tripling down with “it was a joke”?

              No, what I'm saying is that tankies take offense at being called tankies, and it's pathetic. Why not just own it? Why not laugh and call yourselves tankies? Why not take the power back? Why not enjoy yourselves NOT at the expense of others? Are you capable of that?


              Bruh what? The only humor I ever see in tankie forums is dunking on libs. Point me to where they dunk on nazis. Point me to where they dunk on Republicans. I'll wait.

                1 year ago

                I literally made the post on LemmyGrad precisely BECAUSE I DO want to discuss this stuff. I literally created this community on Lemmy precisely BECAUSE I want to discuss this stuff.

                Yet you didn't, you dropped a boring liberal accusation and then got butthurt which you continue to this moment, throwing even more insults in every post. Good luck trying to discuss anything like that, with clearly bad faith, which FYI is the first and surest thing you will get instaban in every marxist space. If you don't believe go to a place even like the deprogram sub which is aimed at deprogramming libs and try there with your "hey genocide deniers, how it's going!" "humour". I guess your new liberal pals with whom you coincidentally agree all the time will be better company for you.

                • GuyDudeman@lemmy.mlM
                  1 year ago

                  you dropped a boring liberal accusation and then got butthurt

                  No, I got banned. There's a difference.

                  throwing even more insults in every post

                  Where have I insulted you? Also, I specifically built this DIFFERENT community so that we could banter and not get butthurt like you seem to be doing with your accusations of me "insulting" you.

                  clearly bad faith

                  I'm not sure what your definition of "bad faith" is, but clearly you're misinterpreting all of my comments and posts. I'm the only one in this particular conversation who wants to talk about the subject rather than lob ad-hominem attacks.

                  go to a place even like the deprogram sub which is aimed at deprogramming libs

                  LOL.. funny you should mention that...


                  They have ZERO interest in "deprogramming libs". They just want to continue to "dunk on libs" and that's all they care about.

                  “hey genocide deniers, how it’s going!”

                  You guys literally endorse mass-murder and aren't willing to discuss any alternatives.

                        • GuyDudeman@lemmy.mlM
                          1 year ago

                          Oh look, you do have a sense of humor!

                          But it's actually not a joke. I would LOVE to discuss this with you. Honestly. That's literally what being in "good faith" is.

                            1 year ago

                            Well you finally wrote something funny, so here you have. Outside of ban, where i said what i wanted to say, what would you like to discuss?

                            • GuyDudeman@lemmy.mlM
                              1 year ago

                              I'd like to discuss why tankies are so offended at being called tankies, for one thing. I think it's a cute name.

                                1 year ago

                                We do use it by ourselves, but there are two reasons:

                                1. We can use it, libs can fuck themselves, especially that it is nearly always accompanied by hot nonsense and we mind the nonsense more.

                                2. You know where that came from? Would you like to be called "British" out of the blue?

                                • GuyDudeman@lemmy.mlM
                                  1 year ago

                                  I do know where it came from.

                                  But it's not a national origin thing like being called "British" would be. It's more of a philosophical thing. You guys are perfectly okay with driving tanks over thousands of people (rich people, but people nonetheless). That's what people mean when they call you "tankies".

                                  I don't think it's the same as calling an American "British". Because Americans don't agree with the British on many subjects. Whereas you guys seem to love Stalin and Mao and Castro and other murdering bastards.

                                  Can I ask you something else? Why do you guys seem to vehemently hate "liberals" more than you hate conservatives/fascists? I mean, if I'm at a party, I would much rather talk to a liberal than a conservative. But you guys seem to want to push liberals away.

                                    1 year ago

                                    You guys are perfectly okay with driving tanks over thousands of people (rich people, but people nonetheless).

                                    ???Like where did that even happened???

                                    Whereas you guys seem to love Stalin and Mao and Castro and other murdering bastards.

                                    This is why nobody will ever discuss with you, you ask the questions in a manner that just scream "bad faith". You mind is already made and you are not hiding it, and since the numbers are against us, we tend to not engage and ban those types if persistent and concentrate on people not accusing us with heavy and nonsensical idiocy in every second statement.

                                    Why do you guys seem to vehemently hate “liberals” more than you hate conservatives/fascists?

                                    No we don't, it's more of a "low hanging fruit" situation, open fascists are as the name says pretty open and i don't think we need to explain people how "heil hitler" is bad, but we need to explain how there is basically the same thing under the guise of liberal honeyed words. And if you actually read ML spaces you would find plenty of hate for open fascists too. About republicans there is entire huge subreddit therightcantmeme about dunking on them so if you feel the need for that content there is tons of it. A lot of ML's are also not Usians so pardon us if we noticed that from outside view there is exactly zero difference between the two wings of capital party, bombs are falling the same regardless.

                                    Btw. fascism is fundamentally the same ideology than liberalism, that is capitalism, just in different stage, and liberals are for example currently having speedrun to fascism, and thing standing behind imperialism was always liberalism and is so even more currently, it's just fascism sugarcoated with honeyed words to bring the "moderates".

                                    The "British" part is btw very old joke, to which you respond we "love the murdering bastards". Yikes.

                                    Seriously if you don't drop that shit this will be my last post to you, i shouldn't even write this one but i asked so here you have.

                                    • GuyDudeman@lemmy.mlM
                                      1 year ago

                                      Driving tanks over thousands of people was metaphorical for mass murder....

                                      I know you guys think Wikipedia is CIA propaganda, but this page is actually a pretty great summary:

                                      This is not to say that Capitalism is better in any way. Capitalism and Colonialism and Feudalism has killed infinitely more people than any communist regime. But the fact of the matter is - we disagree with mass murder. It is antithetical to the fundamental goals and philosophies of leftist thought.

                                      And that mass murder and contradiction is PRECISELY why we do not attract more people to our cause. Turns out, people like hypocrites even less than they like literal nazis (who are at least not afraid to admit that they want to commit mass murder).

                                      And I think you guys also typically lump anarchists in with "libs" falsely associating us with capitalist liberals, which, if I didn't have such a sense of humor about all this, I would be just as offended at being called a "lib" as you are being called a "tankie". Because I'm NOT for capitalism. I'm deeply disturbed and ashamed of the history of Capitalist and Feudal regimes and exploitation.

                                      I don't sit there and say "Accusations of capitalist/colonial mass murder is KGB propaganda! You're banned from the community!"

                                      And that's precisely why I'm an anarchist. I believe that these power structures inevitably lead to abuse, no matter what the ideology behind them ends up being.

                                      You mind is already made and you are not hiding it

                                      "Bad Faith" means that you're just engaging to "dunk" on the opponent, and have no intention of actually listening or considering their arguments.

                                      You have your viewpoint and I have mine, and the entire point of discussing these things is to share our viewpoints and learn from each other. Hiding our viewpoints and pretending that we're blank slates is more in "bad faith" than not hiding them, in my view.

                                      You guys don't ever claim to be "blank slates" when engaging in these conversations. Why should I? Doesn't that make you just as much in "bad faith" as it does me?

                                      if you actually read ML spaces you would find plenty of hate for open fascists too.

                                      I have read lots of ML spaces, and listened to ML podcasts and watched ML channels on youtube and twitch. The VAST majority of the content is criticizing the "center-left" rather than the common enemy of all three of us (of the far left, the lib left, and the center left) - we all hate nazis, and until the far-right ideologies are eradicated, I see no point in punching our allies in that fight.

                                      The “British” part is btw very old joke, to which you respond we “love the murdering bastards”. Yikes.

                                      I did no such thing. In fact, one of the biggest things we disagree with the British on is colonialism and the mass-murder that they perpetrated.

                                      Again, I don't say "Accusations of capitalist/colonial mass murder is KGB propaganda!"

                                        1 year ago

                                        I don't believe you did this:

                                        I have read lots of ML spaces, and listened to ML podcasts and watched ML channels on youtube and twitch.

                                        And never found answers to your questions.

                                        Btw your source about atrocities of communism go 50% higher than even the infamous and long debunked Black Book, but it's apparently "pretty great summary according to you". Again your statement above is non withstanding.

                                        Did you know one of the founders of Lemmy have a reading list? It's slightly outdated and some things might be deleted but here you have: