Improve education for girls worldwide. A very strong link has been established by numerous studies.
it's absolutely the best way; it works so well that it's causing projected population declines everywhere women are close to parity in education with men.
Is there incessant breeding?
Aren't TFR's going down in most regions?The best thing then would be focusing on the places that lag behind.
In my opinion, the best initial steps would would be increased literacy and scientific temper together with good quality public education and healthcare
Together with properly planned mechanisation n automation this would help most people.Yes, false premise here.
It would seem that children were never that popular; sex just was.
Hit yourself in the testicles with a cartoon mallet, then rethink your priorities
Continue making condoms accessible.
I don't know if you've heard, but birth rates are crashing, and we're actually more at risk of population collapse in the coming centuries.