• Egon
    21 days ago

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    • Overshoot2648@lemm.ee
      1 year ago

      I'd prefer a Mutualist or Syndicalist system over a Marxist one. The idea of "self exploitation" doesn't really make sense to me for most parts of the economy. Giving people direct ownership of their labour and making it illegal to sell that labour prevents the consolidation of capital while also preventing authoritarian overreach by a centralized system.

      • Egon
        21 days ago

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        • Overshoot2648@lemm.ee
          1 year ago

          I'd argue Spain showcases a pretty good path towards a Mutualist economy with the way their laws are set up that incentivized worker cooperatives to form and become a major part of their economy compared to "traditional" corporations. I tend more economicly Anarchist compared to a full dismantle of the state in the sense that I would be mostly fine with everything pretty much the same, but with economic law set up to incentivize cooperatives and make it illegal to sell another's labor.

          • Egon
            21 days ago

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