I recently decide to watch Curb Your Enthusiasm and I only really started to enjoy the show after season four.

I feel like a lot of dramas like The Americans, Dark, and Narcos take me a little while to get invested but it's typically only a season.

  • Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    For me, if a show isn't good during the first season, then it's very unlikely that I'll watch the rest of it. I'm really not someone who plays the game of skipping seasons, unless it's absolutely called for.

    That said, Deep Space Nine is an amazing show, but one that has a bit of a rough Landing. It feels like the show legitimately did not understand that Sisko and not Quark was the main character until a producer cleared up the misunderstanding with the writers. And although Quark is the best part of the show, it does get a bit more interesting when the events revolve around the cardassians and bajorans, after all there are only so many ways you can raise the stakes of a show from inside of a bar.

    That being said, when it comes to Classic mst3k, I find the Mike years to be vastly superior to the Joel years, to the point where if I'm rewatching the series just to have noise in the background while I'm doing something else, I'm going to exclusively choose from the list of Mike episodes. If I'm watching it just watch it though the Joel episodes actually have a chance to shine. I understand this is a bit of a controversial take. That being said if we are talking the modern incarnation of the show, then I'm definitely going to go for a Joel episode over anything having to do with Riff trax.

    I mean RiffTrax isn't bad per se, but sometimes I get a aging Rockstar trying to relive The Glory Days vibe from it.

    While on the subject, having someone start It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia with the first season is just setting them up to writeboff the show as jist "meh"