Talk about your recent reads here with your fellow community members!
Everyone is welcome to discuss and share ideas on what they’ve been reading this past week fortnight. This is where you can get suggestions for new manga while also exchanging thoughts with those reading the same series.
You can write a whole thesis or just a sentence. Ask for recommendations or give them. Comment about whatever you feel. The goal is to get users talking so the more the merrier. Just remember to be respectful because we’re all here to talk about what we love and have fun while doing so.
I have been working through a bit of a backlog of series I have let accumulate before diving into new stuff. Because of this I have read a bunch of series in the past fortnight, but wanted to highlight just a couple. In no particular order:
Spoilers for the end of the story
The final boss character that is trying to become the new Demon Lord, referred to as Black Wings, was basically a brand new character that is essentially an infant? IDK, it was weird. I was expecting Black Wings to be an alternate version of Kail that had time travelled again and instigated the war. The final aim of the war would have been to create a world in which there is relative peace between humans and what is left of the Demons because they allied together to defeat the common foe of Black Wings Kail. This would also explain the sympathy that other characters showed Black Wings because he would have been suffering while inflicted untold hardships on people he knows during the war.