These people are out of their minds.
They'll kill everyone else if they don't get what they want. Definitely sounds like people we should be trying to placate /s
NAFOs are, predictably, finding a way to make this insane declaration into Russia's fault. "Just leave Ukraine and nothing will happen" when we all know that no one builds a nuke without intending to use it.
A single nuclear strike on a large territory cannot stop Russia. Kyiv should have been given up.
How does the average Mark Hamil think this is going to turn out?
If you read the paper, it states that kyiv is not interested in building nukes itself.
It was written by a Ukrainian think tank that stated that kyiv could build a bomb if it wanted using its remaining nuclear reactors. The report was then given to the Ukrainian government.
It's nothing serious.
Plus i mean its 1 bomb and as soon as they use it Russia turns them into glass. Makes more sense to not use it. Its more valuable as leverage than as a weapon.
The threat of MAD is somehow a greater deterrent than MAD itself.