Since the federation the comment sections got so inflammatory. Literally everything gets turned into some political "capitalism bad" or "the west bad" discussion. It made Lemmy very annoying for me to use....

    11 months ago

    Just block the users that do this, and there will be a instance blocking feature soon too

    Personally I chose this instance so I wouldn't randomly get defederated from other instances and I would have to switch to another instance if this happened.

      11 months ago

      Why should I play wack-a-mole everytime I like to read comments? Just remove that cesspool all togheter. Do you really benefit from anything on hexbear? Go over there and find a community you would really miss, and then show me. Please.

      Also this instance is already blocking things like exploding-heads and lemmygrad

      11 months ago

      Yeah, I kind of agree. Some of them are amusing though, even if they sometimes have trouble stringing coherent sentences together (probably why they are accused of being bots) and many have the same circular talking points and recurring memes (pretty sure they have a conversation flowchart to try and keep themselves on track, much like telemarketers).

      Others seem like normal people / typical idealists.

      I found the average lemmygrad commenter more engaged and coherent, though. So if that is the bar for this instance, then I suppose hexbear is below it.

        11 months ago

        Isn't that how psyops work? Sound generally reasonable and introduce the occasional piece of misinformation, maybe about a war of aggression?

          11 months ago

          Propaganda, yes. I suspect that in this case many hexbears have been egging each other on for so long in relative isolation that they've developed their own back-patting (aka circle-jerk) culture with in-jokes and accepted-facts that don't make sense to others... those participating in it are probably still quite immature. I just call them on it here and on my alts.

          I think that is still worth being exposed to different opinions and having your own accepted-facts challenged, so long as it's appropriately moderated / doesn't get out of hand. It sounds like the hexbear admins are fairly active.

          It's not my call in the end, though.

    11 months ago

    Yes. They literally have a huge community dedicated to disrupting other instances:

    Lemmygrad is nothing compared to the shear volume of brigading, spam and bad faith arguments coming from there.

    Show Hexbear user celebrates baiting a "lib" (read, person who is not an extreme socialist) into writing multiple paragraphs debunking a stupid comment

    (This reached the front page of Hexbear)

    10 months ago


    This is how you kill the fediverse. I don't think people enjoy hopping from instance to instance & eventually they'll stop altogether.

    Fair enough if it the content is illegal, but we shouldn't defederate just because the content annoys you or you don't agree with it.

      10 months ago

      What if it will annoy a big percentage of normal users?

      E.g. would you enjoy having exploding-heads content in your feed?

        10 months ago

        instance hopping should be normal: i have 8 accounts simultaneously open in my Connect app. Also connect allows u to hide comments from filtered (blocked) insntance of ur choice, including hexbear.

    11 months ago

    Yes, if the other option is for you to play whack a mole, just defederate. People that follow that ideology can always go somewhere else, if they dislike you keeping this instance from being subjected to trolls and the like.

    11 months ago

    If there's an instance where a large percentage of the users isn't acting in good faith and the admin isn't doing anything about it, why NOT defederate. People who want to read things from that instance can always make an account there or at an instance that still does federate with them.

    10 months ago

    No. There is little enough content on Lemmy, they at least provide some interesting conversations. I'm okay having content from people I maybe disagree with

      10 months ago

      Ah yes, the interesting conversations of blaming literally everything on capitalism, neoliberalism and/or "the west"... and then insulting you if you disagree. Also less content is better than a lot of mostly shit content...

        10 months ago

        I haven't seen any insults. I've seen people who couldn't handle the comments though. I dunno, I think people have just got used to their nice echo chambers and this is the reverberations of the doors opening up. People's automatic response is "ban them!"

    10 months ago

    I consider myself to be radical left-wing, but 95% of the content on hexbear is completely useless. It's an echo-chamber for whiney bitch-ass tanky trolls, powerlessly memeing their lives away and not contributing anything even to their marginalized corner of political discourse.

    That being said: I say don't defederate. They might behave like idiots sometimes, but defederating weakens the network as a whole and the cost is disproportionate to the benefit in this case.

    10 months ago

    supposedly there's a feature coming to Lemmy Soon(tm) that will allow us to block instances as a user. If hexbear hasn't been defederated by then, I'm most definitely going to use it to block hexbear. I really do not want that toxicity showing up anywhere