The west had historically used the 'divide and conquer' strategy on leftist organisations. Of course that's not the only reason, but it definitely has exacerbated left wing infighting.
The right wing has never really had that. I assume it's because they lack any real theoretical framework which could be fought over. Right wing ideologies are just 'vibes', basically
in my country: it's the left because of the external forces that are intended to drive the disunity. the right also has similar disunity, but they're mostly left alone since their platforms mostly align with our ruling classes.
- The right ultimately collaborate around the brutalising force of capital
- The left could "infight" within a vanguard party and show a united front to the outside guided by the mass line with a scientific approach (ie ML). Enlightened infighting is good for both development of theory and praxis. A false unity is undialectic and idealistic.
One thing the far-right is really good at is accepting the scale of moderation and of dog-whistling.
Guys with swastika face tattoos like and approve of guys like Nigel Farage, and they're able to build a coalition across that spectrum of extremity.
The left argues relentlessly and sabotages each other, but the far right tend to kill each other when the infighting starts.