The two visits that Peter McFarlane made to the Museum of History and Local Lore in Brody are the most revealing of both what happened at that time and the current state of mind of many Ukrainians in that part of the country. McFarlane describes his arrival at the Brody Museum in 2022 as follows:

“The road to Brody was a memory lane for the SS Galizien. (…) there is a roadside chapel surrounded by five hundred white crosses that Ukrainian SS veterans had erected in 1994 as a memory to their comrades who had fallen in the battle of Brody. (…)”

On his first visit to the Brody Museum, McFarlane had immediately noticed that there was no mention of the Jews of Brody, who had founded the town and who, in the 1880s, made up 80 percent of the population. He reminded the museum director of this fact, who acknowledged that it was true. The author then asked why the Museum had no record of the presence of Jews. The director responded, “There were no more Jews after 1943, so they left our history,” waving his hand like a magician