Proselytizing is also illegal. If people come to your church it should because of their own personal interests or for family reasons because of your heritage.
This is, I think, where Americans get their “China persecutes Christians” narrative; at least to the extent their opinions have any sort of grounding in an echo of truth. For white Evangelical Christians, proselytizing is a fundamental aspect to their religion. You must convert the non-Christians or else they face an eternity of conscious torment in hell. For that reason any restrictions on proselytizing by any government are seen as invalid and must be disobeyed.
This is, I think, where Americans get their “China persecutes Christians” narrative; at least to the extent their opinions have any sort of grounding in an echo of truth. For white Evangelical Christians, proselytizing is a fundamental aspect to their religion. You must convert the non-Christians or else they face an eternity of conscious torment in hell. For that reason any restrictions on proselytizing by any government are seen as invalid and must be disobeyed.