What does the first world do when it doesn't need the third world to produce its goods anymore? It lets the third world starve.
"But surely they'll need the middle class to keep buying their products!" I'm no longer sure of that. I think they might hunt wales (middle-class) once the fish (working-class) numbers dwindle out for a little while longer.... but ultimately they will establish some kind of communism for themselves after they've extracted everything from us
What does the first world do when it doesn't need the third world to produce its goods anymore? It lets the third world starve.
"But surely they'll need the middle class to keep buying their products!" I'm no longer sure of that. I think they might hunt wales (middle-class) once the fish (working-class) numbers dwindle out for a little while longer.... but ultimately they will establish some kind of communism for themselves after they've extracted everything from us