Don't think so in this case - we were all expecting him to be assassinated somehow, and the old 'sushi dinner with a nice cup of tea after' wasn't very likely. Should have had a sweepstake on his life expectancy - guessing 60 days would have been pretty impressive.
2 months ago:
Does it count as calling it if I got the method of assassination wrong?
No. It's like 'Clue.' Need the room, the suspect, and the weapon or it doesn't count.
Clue? Like Cluedo but without the reference to "ludo" that makes the name clever?
Another casualty of the American market.
I haven't a clue
Don't think so in this case - we were all expecting him to be assassinated somehow, and the old 'sushi dinner with a nice cup of tea after' wasn't very likely. Should have had a sweepstake on his life expectancy - guessing 60 days would have been pretty impressive.
I'd say it counts for at least half-credit.