Life is hard enough as it is. I'm tired. I'm exhausted. Give me hope for a better tomorrow that I honestly can't see. Gimme Star Trek.

That being said, what do you think is the funniest episode of TNG and the scariest episode? I can't make up my damn mind on what to watch. I'm starting with Schisms because fuck that holodeck clicking scene.

Also after posting this and taking a look at the home screen, I feel like I'm dangerously close to spamming. If I haven't already. If it becomes a problem please let me know. Gonna back off a bit today.

    10 months ago

    The funniest moment for me is when Data is telling Worf how to care for Spot. He's saying stuff like "You must provide her with feline supplement 39 twice per day. You must give her affection 3 times per day. You must tell her she's a good cat, and a pretty cat". Worf looks at Data with murder in his eyes and says "I will feed her".

          10 months ago

          If you haven't seen it, this is a great addition to the lore...

          Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor by John Byrne. McCoy in the period between TOS and ST :TMP. A small ship patrolling the outskirts of the Federation, providing medical care.