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What do you think about screens in movies and television?
Personally, I hate it, and have abandoned many productions because of it.
In most cases:

  • you can see that they are artificial
  • interfaces don't make sense. Often the cursor is missing, etc.

But Searching and Missing showed that if there are willingnesses, it is possible not only to prepare well, but to base an entire film on them.

    há 1 ano

    Eh, as an IT guy, I love seeing computer screens on TV. They're either a good laugh, or they can be quite interesting.

    Among the interesting/iconic interfaces:

    • The 3D "Unix" system in Jurassic Park
    • The Matrix
    • Minority Report

    I also love seeing vintage/fake-vintage interfaces in movies, such as SolarOS (a take on Solaris) in Tron: Legacy

    *removed externally hosted image*

    and all the hilarious ones such as the infamous "I'll create a GUI in Visual Basic to track the IP address" scene in CSI.

    Also, here's a bonus link for you retro fans:

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    The only thing that bugs me when they use modern phones on screen is when you can tell they aren't on a call. As an example, my phone screen turns off when I put it near my face if I'm on a call. In a lot of tv shows you can see the phone screen doesn't turn off since they aren't in an actual call and that takes me out of the fiction post haste.

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      I'm surprised I haven't seen an example of them using a screenshot that's being half swiped to a photo of a cat or zoomed while they are talking with it pressed against their cheek

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    The Other Place had a whole sub*cough* dedicated to this, called "itsaunixsystem", for the scene in Jurassic Park mentioned in other post (the software used was real, it just was really slow and impractical).

    I wouldn't mind having something like that in Lemmy.

    há 1 ano

    As long as they aren't parodies I don't really care. I find this is more common when Apple products are used.

    There's a few UnixPorn communities out there ( ! ) and I think they really demonstrate how varied UIs can be.

    If you are using a tiling window manager like i3 you might not have a cursor for example.