Also, weird how Ukraine only had 10k losses according to western media, but is suddenly running out of people to recruit. Could it be that western media's been lying all along. 🤔

    1 year ago

    when they ran out of bodies they send the honorary white polish soldiers

    The more things change....

    Although that does make me wonder if the deluge of articles decrying how AFU "is switching back to Soviet tactics" is an attempt to disguise who told them to bumrush fortified positions in the first place. Could it be the vaunted NATO instructors? Nah, must be those dang commies!

      1 year ago

      Yeah. I don't think i have to explain to you the rhetorics that gets the "communists, pink postsocialists, homo sovieticus" etc blamed for every single fault of the postsocialist countries which would be capitalist paradises today if just the unwashed locals were obeying the divine messengers of the west (except it's exactly what they do).

      So of course the incoming lose in the war will be blamed by west and local compradors on the insufficient "decommunisation" of Ukraine.