My last crushpost got a little weird. They usually don’t get much attention, and what little there is I think is usually men. So this thread should be a good opportunity for women and enbies to bring up what you find problematic.
Thanks everyone for responding. I have read all the replies and am giving them serious consideration. I will stop crushposting, I deleted all the posts, and deleted the meat of this post as well. Weird or not, however obfuscated, it’s still an obsession and a privacy concern.
honestly i just think you need to get some resolution to the situation. it's not healthy to keep a diary of the women you want to date without doing anything to act on those feelings. as a woman it does give me pause to think about having what i perceive to be innocent interactions with someone and them posting about it to an audience of potentially tens of people, not to mention the wider group of people on lemmy. like there is a line at which crush posts are not just harmless fun anymore, and it is typically at the point when it becomes a normal part of your routine